Twice Upon a Time
(First Doctor)


Featuring: First Doctor, Ben Jackson, Polly Wright

Placement Rating: 
4 - Between consecutive stories
Happens at the same time as:
Happens at the same time as:: 
Antarctica, 1986; Ypres, 25th December 1914, Villengard
Technically speaking, this takes no time at all.

The Doctor is afraid, and decides to try and fight his coming regeneration. He encounters one of his future incarnations just before time freezes around them, and they encounter a World War I soldier. They encounter a group calling themselves The Testimony, who copy the memories of people who are about to die. Eventually everybody is put back into their own place and time.

Placement Notes: 
During The Tenth Planet episode 4. It is unclear why the Doctor's impending regeneration has suddenly made him a sexist.
Event relates to following story:
Event relates to following story:: 

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